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To our family blog! We love having a spot to record the Grand and not so Grand events in our lives! Thanks for keeping track of us and for tagging along! And don't forget to check out my photography blog!

5 months: Easier said than done. Twin 1

It's incredible how much you have grown. You hare such a tender spirit. I love it when you follow me with those sweet dark eyes of yours as I walk near you. It makes me feel very special. This last week has been a tough one, dealing with illness is not fun, but you have shown what a patient and long suffering little man you are. You are much better now and the smiles haven't stopped!. On your four month check up, which was a couple of weeks ago, you weighed 18#6oz! It's so fun to watch you playing in the exersaucer so focused on what you're doing. You sleep great at night and during the day, I very much appreciate that! We love you very much
Mom and Dad.
Here are a few pictures I took of you today!



KevandChels said...

I'm so glad everyone is getting better! And that things are getting easier-three under 2 is so crazy! You're amazing!