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To our family blog! We love having a spot to record the Grand and not so Grand events in our lives! Thanks for keeping track of us and for tagging along! And don't forget to check out my photography blog!


I knew a girl once {it seems like forever ago}, who was the type of person that whatever she put her mind to, she accomplished. A real go-getter. She had such self-control and will-power. She was active. She was happy. She smiled all the time. She was tireless. She loved people and people seemed to love her. I miss her. I wish I could see her from time to time.

Yesterday I looked in the mirror, hoping to see her. She was not there. At first glance, I thought I saw her. She was not the same. She was older, of course. She had a different life. She looked tired. She stopped taking care of herself. She lost her "muchness".

Everyday I take care of my children, try to take care of my home. Everything is about the kids. Many months have gone by and it all seems like a blur. When did I stop loving myself? I truly wonder what happened. {kids happened}, but it doesn't matter unless I'm willing to change. I want to see my friend in the mirror and not this new person. I'm happy with my life and accomplishments. I'm happy with my circumstances. I love my husband and children. I know I am loved. Most days I don't even think about my old self, except when I look in the mirror. I want me back. Actually, I want an improved version of my old self! I'm ready to lose my "muchness" {in a literal sense}.

So, yesterday I met with another long lost friend. The scale. It read a very ugly number. I won't tell you right now. It's depressing, even more than this post!

Tonight, I'm happy with two successful days of my journey to my better self! I don't have everything figured out yet, as far as what this journey involves but I know that I can do it.


Amy Rose said...

Let me know if you figure it out... I'm on the same road.

The Blandon's said...

Rigel, you are the spunkiest, most charming woman I have ever known. I wish I could tell you how much you changed my life. I had a hard time with the language in the mish, but you showed me how to smile through hardships(making a long story short)! You are beautiful inside and out! I also know the importance of feeling good about yourself! Good for you for making a stand and changing what you need to in order to "make it all better". You are one of the strongest women I know! Good luck and thanks for sharing.

Kristie said...

Good job going first, I follow your lead as soon as I figure it all out for myself.