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To our family blog! We love having a spot to record the Grand and not so Grand events in our lives! Thanks for keeping track of us and for tagging along! And don't forget to check out my photography blog!


Today I thought about how much I would miss these days if they were suddenly gone... I thought about all the things I want them to know before they are all grown up... I thought about all the games I want to play and the laughs I want to share with them before they turn into teenagers and no longer think I'm fun... I listened to a song by Hilary Weeks last week, "Stand Still" and it completely expresses the way I am feeling right now... it's about our little ones growing and the days passing so fast and never stopping and the desire to hold on... Time stand still...
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Amy Rose said...

It is so strange how anxious I get for them to learn new things and be able to do new things, and yet how sad I am when I see signs of them obviously getting older...