To our family blog! We love having a spot to record the Grand and not so Grand events in our lives! Thanks for keeping track of us and for tagging along! And don't forget to check out my photography blog!
28/365 Let the Potty Training Fun begin! This time it was their idea. Alex was ready and did not want to wear diapers any longer! Except it didn't seem like they knew what to do with their new undies!
That night we went on an exciting car trip! Well, you can only see the boring part now but right before then we went to eat dinner at Carino's with the in-laws! That's always fun!
29/365 Tuesday morning I was trying to practice some lighting techniques and it was a total bust! You cannot look for Rembrandt triangles with a wiggly three year old! But I'll take these!
30/365 The oh so awaited day finally came! Emma's ballet class! She couldn't think of anything else for days and Wednesday was no different! She was so excited! And of course, I had to snap a picture right before we left for class!
She was so into it! She really was the cutest girl in that class! I know I am the mother but really, she was the cutest one!
And here is a little video I was able to take during class.
That night I went to check on the boys and this is what I found! It was pitch black in their room but my trusty IPad light always helps!
31/365 Thursday came and I was still not feeling well. Yeah, I have had some low blood pressure or something and I have been more than exhausted! So, my days have been spenty mostly laying down and the kids playing by themselves and watching TV. But I did manage to get this one that day! My kids spend IPad time in my closet for some odd reason.
And that same afternoon Ryan surprised me with a new IPhone 5! So my phone less days were over! 24 days without a phone! That's a record!
So, the first shot with my new IPhone would of course be one of my sweet husband! He's just so good to me! And good looking!
The kids spent the afternoon coloring and wasting my notepads!
32/365 February is here! I cannot believe I did so well my first month of my project! I stuck to it for one whole month! And as proud as I was feeling I realized that I did not pick up my camera that day!Sarah and Jesse were in town, we were busy and I just forgot to pull my camera out. But I did find this shot on my IPhone from that day!
33/365 It has been bitter cold. I do not remember being this cold in a long time. I hate it. Emma has a hard time waking up in the morning.
Ryan took us to see Wreck it Ralph! I only snapped a couple shots at the arcade area.
34/365 There was no church on Sunday for this momma and her kids. Exhaustion has taken over me. But we did have a good dinner with the in-laws. And this closes one more week!
Looking forward to what this new week has to offer!
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